Normica Subscription
With a valid Normica subscription you will receive the latest service- and release updates for your Normica Software as it becomes available. The last Normica program version in the context of an active subscription can be used without any time limit, even if the subscription has expired.
The updates can be installed through the comfortable Normica update function. Benefit from Normica continuous improvement process and the progressive corrections, extensions and improvements.Choose Subscription for
The updates can be installed through the comfortable Normica update function. Benefit from Normica continuous improvement process and the progressive corrections, extensions and improvements.
Stay competitive by keeping your Normica software up to date in a costeffective way.
When purchasing a Normica program license usually the corresponding subscription is purchased at the same time, to provit from the latest, most secure software versions and the Normica support and services.The subscription period will not be extended automatically unless you expressively tell us you wish this to happen.
The Normica subskription is optional and can be obtained subsequently, to retroactively update the Normica program to the latest version. This may be necessary...- if an existing Normica license (later than 2010) has had no subscription at all and should be updated to the latest release.
- to renew a subscription plan after the expiry.
Choose Subscription for
Normica View, Normica View Pro, Normica Batch-Processor
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