Your Opinion Counts

If you have any ideas for a new feature of a Normica product, or hope to see an existing feature improved, please let us know.

We'd like to take credit for designing a highly useful and efficient software, but the truth is that much of the credits go to you, our customer.

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If you want to inform us about a bug, please use the Normica Issue Report.

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Files must be less than 8 MB.
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In making this submission, please understand that no contractual confidential relationship is established between you and Normica. If your material is incorporated into a product, you will not compensated. In addition, if the material you have submitted on this form is protected by any copyright, patent, trademark or other proprietary right, than you are granting Normica GmbH a nonexclusive, royalty-free perpetual, and transferable license to use the materials in connection with Normica Software. Please also have a look to the information on this website about Terms of Use and the Normica data privacy.
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