Normica Issue Report

If you send us an issue report, it will be integrated as a new entry into our data base. After first being examined by our service-department a product or software engineer will be set to solve the problem.

Questions to the Normica support will be generally answered within two working days.

Normica improvements will be delivered constantly to subscribed users by the update function within the Normica software. Click here for more information about Normica Subscription.

When sending information to the Normica Software team you acknowledge that you have read, understand, and agree to be bound by the Normica Terms of Use and the Data Privacy.

If you want to send us an idea for a new function or service, use instead the form Your Opinion Counts. Helpful hints and strategies can be also found on the page Frequently Asked Questions

Describe your issue:

Tell us the Normica product regarding this issue.
If available, note down here the serial number of the Normica product.
Please describe the issue in one short line.
If you want to upload more than one file please put them into a zip or rar file. Maximum file size is 8 MB.
Files must be less than 8 MB.
Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png bmp eps tif psd txt rtf html pdf doc docx odt ppt gz jar rar tar zip plt prn plo hp2.
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