“The paper consumption was enormously high before the use of Normica..."
M/S Obermeyer Planen + Beraten (Planning and Consulting) processes orders in the sphere of building planning. The company was established in 1958 by Dr. Obermeyer, who still manages the firm today. M/S Obermeyer, with around 1000 employees, is one of the largest planning companies in Germany.
The interview-partner of Normica: Dr. Juli is Department Head of the EDP Department.
Mr. Thilo Schotter is responsible in the firm Obermeyer for support and introduction of new software."
"We had searched a long time for an convinient HP-GL/2 Viewer."
"The firm Obermeyer bore great responsibility for the planning of the exhibition/fair in Munich. Which other construction/building work has the firm Obermeyer recently developed?”
Thilo Schotter:
“Here is an extract: New construction stretches of the DB in the new federal states, bullet-train Hamburg-Berlin, several testing grounds for the automobile industry, Palace in Lenbachplatz, “Five Courts” (Theatinerstrasse), Renovation and New Planning ‘Schürmannbau’ in Bonn.”
“Mr. Schotter, what is your area of work with the firm Obermeyer?”
Thilo Schotter:
“I am working since 6 years in the EDP department of M/S Obermeyer and am responsible for the support and introduction of new software. We provide in our department the support for the software employed in-house and take care of purchase and setting up of all EDP-appliances. In addition we test new programs, determine installation procedures and basic settings and also do our own programming. For example our CAD-program for the railways-and road planning project was developed by us ourselves.
“How did Normica Software come to your notice?”
Thilo Schotter:
“Through an search on the Internet. During the search for a HP-GL/2 viewer we tried out different demo-versions. For example Windows-Plotfile Manager and Automanager View. A total of about 6-7 products.”
“What is the decisive result of your comparison tests?”
Thilo Schotter:
“Your product was simply the best. Normica Software has the most reliable display.”
“What are the tasks you solve with Normica?”
Thilo Schotter:
“When a piece of paper does not come out correctly from the printer or plotter, one does not know whether the fault lies with the printer or with the drive. Normica Software serves to search out the fault.
Moreover, we also use data in HP-GL/2 format for the archiving of data. Previously we were able to view drawings only through a print-out. The consumption of paper was therefore naturally enormously high.
We also receive printed data from planning partners. Previously we could only recognize what sort of data there was through the print-out. With Normica Software we can first look at the drawings and check them out and a print-out taken only of that which is required. This reduces material consumption.”
"Normica Software helps you in searching for errors. What are the errors which creep in most frequently?”
Thilo Schotter:
“It is mainly that the user has selected a wrong pre-setting for plotting. However errors concerning the driver also occur.”
“How much time do you save through using the Normica Software?”
Thilo Schotter:
“Definitely a lot of time – but difficult to estimate.”
“What experience have you had with the company Normica?”
Thilo Schotter:
"Normica Software is a perfect tool. The offer to send supports, plot files etc. which are not correctly displayed back to the manufacturer and replace the same with an error-free version, is very convincing.”